Dona Maria

Celebrate Together single

Celebrate Together

دونا ماريا من اغنية خاصة تلحينها وكلماتها الى اغنية مع باقة من المغنيين Celebrate Together اجتمعوا ليغنوا معا ويدعمون

الGlobal Hunger Relief Fund.

Celebrate Together واجمعوا ان دونا ماريا عليها ان تطلق الاغنية كاملة بصوتها وادائها الخاص الى جانب النسخة اللتي تجمعهم. وهذا ما حصل واليكم النسختين.

استمع وشاهد

Dona Maria from a special song composed and lyrics to a song with a group of singers gathered to sing together and support The Global Hunger Relief Fund.
They unanimously agreed that Dona Maria should release the entire song with her own voice and performance, in addition to the version that they collect. This is what happened and here are the two versions.

listen and watch

(feat. Dona Maria, Imran Ahmed, Peggie Nora, Jill Fai, Dan Acosta, Ton Jenner, Chris Jones, La La Musiq, Tim Lim, Sherise D’Souza, David Pollard, Rob Steiner & Alexander Jarvie)

“Celebrate Together”Celebrar Juntos” Dona Maria version will be out after releasing the collaborative version for those who would like to listen the full of Dona Maria performance.

Listen to the latest Fire and Fuego by Dona Maria and Watch the music videos

Download FIRE Dona Maria songs
Download FIRE Dona Maria songs


All proceeds from the sale of this single are donated to the Global Hunger Relief Fund on our behalf. ISSA and DM the NO music, LLC and Dona Maria