Dona Maria

On Tour 2023


On Tour
On Tour










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Surprise will be announce soon…

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The complete date and locations will be posted soon…


Dancing with the clown and Fire on stage.الرقص مع المهرج اصبح دارجا في قاموسها ماذا بعد ؟ 
Join us to enjoy a beatable atmosphere that will never stop with a one of kind powerful voice and personality that makes your heart beats faster than usual and that all have a just one name DONA MARIA
After featuring her in the historical magazine billboard and being featured as well at the Time square NY and at Macys/mall in California.
The three of Dona Maria’s in one person will show up on tour, Save the dates and be ready for a breathtaking period.
انضم إلينا للاستمتاع بأجواء رائعة لن تتوقف أبدًا بصوت وشخصية فريدة من نوعها تجعل قلبك ينبض أسرع من المعتادوكلها تحمل اسمًا واحدًا فقط دونا ماريا
 بعد عرضها في اهم مجلة في تاريخ الفن البيلبورد 
وعرض مشاهد من اخر اعمالها أيضًا في 
Time Square NY وفي Macys / Mall في كاليفورنيا